Monday, May 23, 2016

RSS Discussion Questions

  1. Why did you select the sites you subscribed to?
    1. They were the ones to pop out to me, and they seemed very interesting to me. Some of these websites I visit on a daily basis so it's nice to be able to read everything in one place.
  2. Was it easy to find feeds and to subscribe to them?
    1. Yes, because most of the feeds that I found had the RSS feed button popping right out. However, for some of them I had to dig and search a little bit.
  3. Which sites were your favorites?
    1. My favorties are "" and "".
  4. What else can you use RSS feeds for?
    1. You can use them to stay up to date on things going around in your town, or in your general area.
  5. How likely are you to continue to use RSS feeds in the future?
    1. I can use them to stay up to date on what's going on on my favorite websites and my favorite news sites. I can also stay caught up on the latest celebrity news.

Friday, May 20, 2016


  • Website
  • second website
  • Google launches a new ride-sharing application
  • the company recently purchased the app "Waze"
  • Waze Rider is going to try a new carpooling system, just like Uber and Lyft
  • the app is basically going to just match along with people already going on the same route
  • the app will charge customers a total of $0.54/mile
  • the app is only going to be tested with a select group of customers in the Bay area
  • this app is only in trial right now, but once it is fully in motion, the app can become a major competitior to Uber and Lyft

Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Smartphone Way to Inner Calm

  • Website
  • there is a new app called Headspace that helps to calm people down and reduce anxiety and depression
  • there are mental exercises with an instructor talking the person through the meditation
  • the sessions can last from a few minutes to an hour
  • you can also watch certain sessions to manage different problems such as a panic or anxiety attack
  • however, to make the most of the app, you have to use it regularly

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Desire to Make the World a Better Place

     There are many things that inspire me to make the world a better place. The main things that contribute to my ways of wanting to make things better, is the many commercials that show how some people aren't as privelaged as we are. These commercials show people with no homes, or people whose homes were destroyed, and people with illnesses. Once I see these, I realized that with a little help, we could make the world a better place. I have not directly done anything yet to help this issue, but when I am older and have a stable job of my own, then I definitely will. Another thing that makes me realize that I want to help change the world, is the fact that there are things to change. The world isn't perfect, but if we all work together on this issue, we can make it as great, and wonderful, and safe as possible.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Norweigan Undersea Snakebot

  • Norweigan Snakebot slithers through obstacles
  • this snake was made to go where humans can't 
  • on the head there's a light and a grasper, so it can grab things
  • the grasper allows to robot to turn dials, pull levers, and change objects
  • This robot was tested by slithering through obstacles, and seeing how much it can do

Friday, April 15, 2016

New Kindle Oasis

  • Amazon came out with the new Kindle Oasis
  • This kindle runs in months of battery life using the case that comes with it 
  • Weighs 4.6 ounces
  • This new kindle costs $289, which is more than most Kindles
  • You'll get charged premium because this kindle comes with a leather case to put the kindle in
  • The case that comes with the kindle also has a battery pack for the months of battery life 
  • The device has an asymmetrical back and the one side gets increasingly bigger than the other
  • Website

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Wiki Dissection CP AF

What is the purpose of this Wiki?
The purpose of this Wiki is to tell about technology that changes the course by which users connect, engage, and transform society. 

When was the last post?
The last revision was on October 31, 2006. 

How was this Wiki created/designed?
It was created with Wiki spaces classroom.

What would you add to this particular wiki?
We would add the cloud because it isn't listed and it is something we use in the classroom everyday. We would also add more visuals.

What did you learn after reading this wiki?
We learned what disruptive technology was along with examples of it. 

If you had to create a Wiki with a team, what would be the specific topic (s)?
Our topic would be about Anthony Jones and Evan Portscher because we're interested in them.  

How can Wikis be used in the classroom or in education?
They can be used in the classroom or in education because it could help us to expand our knowledge about a certain topic that we are learning about.